andrew jackson
"jacksonian democratic party"
Hello There!
A primary source tells you about a certain event that happened in the past and it's from that event. When studying historical events, historians want their information to be precise and correct. primary sources are firsthand, contemporary accounts of a certain event that was recorded by somebody who witnessed or experienced that event. Primary sources includes the original stuff and it's very important.
Answer:The Chinese Civil War was a civil war in China fought between the Kuomintang (KMT)-led government of the Republic of China (ROC) and the Communist Party of China (CPC) lasting intermittently between 1927 and 1949.
Explanation: Explain the two sides of China's civil war and identify who some of the leaders were?
I think it was the spainish, but it depends on the time it took place
They took over the Mesoamerican and adean civilizations, but I don't know what time we are talking about.