Net Monthly Income = $3,535.67
GMI = $4,666.67
Total Monthly Deductions = $1,131
Net Monthly Income
Net Monthly Income = GMI - Total Monthly Deductions
Net Monthly Income = $4,666.67 - $1,131
Net Monthly Income = $3,535.67
Graphic design can be defined as an art which typically involves the combination of texts, images and colors to communicate an idea.
In graphic design, unity refers to the harmonious relationship between the various elements in a graphical piece of art, thus, making it appear as a single beautiful piece. Therefore, unity ensure a piece of work does not appear to the viewer as separate pieces but rather presents it as a single piece.
In this scenario, you are critiquing a logo design that one of your coworkers proposed. Your sense is that the individual elements of the design are fine, but when they are combined, they just don’t work well together. Thus, the main problem with this logo is unity.
CIDR is based on a variable-length subnet masking technique, which allows a new method of representation for IP addresses. Routing prefix is written with a suffix number of bits of the name, such as, as the CIDR network has the smallest possible amount of hosts.
CIDR ( Class Inter-Domain Routing ) It is a method that is allocating IP addresses and routing the IP. CIDR is introduced in 1933 and replace the architecture of network design on the internet. CIDR slows down the growth of the routing across the web and helps to slow the IP addresses such as IPv4 addresses.
CIDR consists of two groups of bits in the address. In the new age, the network prefix identifies the whole network. This is used as the basis of routing between IP networks and allocation policies.
IPv4 in-network prefix is 8-bit groups.
A typical IPv4 address is the lowest value is 0, and the highest value is 255
In the given choices, / 8 of the possible smallest number of hosts.
In order to create a chart, which of the following must be selected?
O Data tools
A trademark is a sign, symbol, name, or short phrase that indicates the source of a product or service.