haha ma keekey bunaany.
ma vaa salaam. nafrathun hiyy furidhey moya gandaa ey
no estoy seguro pero haré algunas investigaciones
शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने की अच्छी-से-
अच्छी दवा एक बार खखलखखला उठना है।
2.पुराने लोग कह गए हैंकक हंसो और पेट फुलाओ।
3.शीर्षक होना चाहिए— खुशी की खुराक अथवा हँसी का जीवन में महत्त्व|.
Answer: lower their gaze
The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. Muslims express that in this book are the revelations given to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel about the word of God.
The Qur'an invites men and women to be modest and to cover themselves. It does not specify how far they should be covered, but they should show as little as possible. It also expresses that women should only show their beauty to their family.