The amygdala is found in each temporal lobe and is involved with the limbic system. The amygdala is found in the medial temporal lobe, immediately prior to the hippocampus. The temporal lobes are the second biggest lobes, located behind the ears. They are most typically related with the processing of auditory information and memory encoding.
The temporal lobes' primary roles include language comprehension, memory acquisition, face recognition, object recognition, perception, and auditory information processing amygdala. The temporal lobe is in charge of understanding and assigning meaning to different sounds. As a result, injury to the left temporal lobe often leads to issues understanding language.
To learn more about temporal lobes, click here.
The answer is orange because the way that he said the problem out.
A carnivore consumer that eats a herbivore consumer
...the new environmentally friendly pesticide doesn’t work and you’re better off using the #1 traditional pesticide.
hope it helps :)
Scientists indicate that high levels of CO2 can affect the way fish behave, so that they swim towards the odors of predators instead of maintaining distances and even perceive sounds that normally deter them from going to habitats of risk. These abnormal behaviors are related to the effect of carbon dioxide on how the brain processes signals from sensory organs.