Answer: strey said that because if you ever accidentally paased gas or burp in front of any you should say excuse or step out the room and do it

Compare both items
On a number line, from left to right 0.38 comes before 0.7. This implies that 0.38 is less than 0.7.
So, by comparison, the amount of roast beef is less than the amount of ham, Dalton bought.
This can be represented as:

Substitute values for Roast Beef and Ham

The article is a argumentative tone/mood. Evidence of this is when the author wrote "NASA’s space program is worth preserving at any cost."That shows how they personally believe that it is worth preserving and that they’re trying to prove their opinion is valid. Also when the author says"It is impossible to list all the benefits of a thriving space program." The author has a strong opinion that they believe which makes it argumentative.
I don’t know the context of this but: we must choose ourselves because if we are trying to be someone else our whole life then we won’t get very far and people won’t like us for ourselves.
Quickly, fast, slowly, carefully