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The operation that will occur first is D5*C6 (multiplication).
Excel’s default order of operator precedence mandates that Excel perform multiplication before addition and substraction. If you want the addition or substraction to be performed before multiplication or division, they must be in parentheses.
The order of operations in exel is:
1. Evaluate items in parentheses.
2. Evaluate ranges (:).
3. Evaluate intersections (spaces).
4. Evaluate unions (,).
5. Perform negation (-).
6. Convert percentages (%).
7. Perform exponentiation (^).
8. Perform multiplication (*) and division (/), which are of equal precedence.
9. Perform addition (+) and subtraction (-), which are of equal precedence.
10. Evaluate text operators (&).
11. Perform comparisons (=, <>, <=, >=).
There is a need for a microphone and a speaker in the form of a headset for privacy, also, the conventional keyboard and monitor screen. For information security, a configured firewall is recommended to prevent hacking.
Input and output devices are tools used by an operator of a computer device to give instructions and monitor results respectively.
Jason would need a headset, which has a speaker for hearing and a microphone for speaking to the client on a video conference call. These I/O devices are readily available on some personal computers. Every computer system has a keyboard and a monitor, this is also useful for Jason for communicating with his client.
The correct option for accessing the value in sarray[3] is : d) *(sptr+3)
a) *sptr[*3] is wrong option because its syntax is not right it will give errors.
b) *sptr+3 is also wrong option because it will add 3 to the value of sarray[0].
c) sptr+3 is wrong option because it will only access the address of sarray[3] not the value it contains.
d) *(sptr +3) is correct syntax for accessing value in sarray[3] by using pointer
The three characteristics of an object
Encapsulation: It is the process of capturing data and securing it for safety from the outside interfaces. Binding data and operations of data into a single unit.
Inheritance: This is the process by which a class can be derived from the base class, with all features of base class and some of its own. This increases data reusability.
Abstraction: The ability to represent data at very basic level without showing the details of it is called abstraction.