a possible explanation for this occurrence is that a test tube or dropper was accidentally used repeatedly without being sterilized, causing sample cross-contamination. DNA in this test case did not confirm that the father of the second child was another client of the fertility clinic who had never met the mother...therefore this is a possibility.
Answer: There are many sources of light, but the initial energy for all light sources comes from the sun. Light travels away from its source in straight lines through space as waves of energy. The waves we can detect with our eyes are called visible light. Patterns in the behavior of light are predictable because light moves in waves through space until it comes in contact with an object or material that changes its direction. Light can pass through or bounce off objects. Additionally, different materials can block or absorb light. If an object blocks light, a shadow of the object forms. If the intensity or direction of the light source changes, the appearance of an object’s shadow can change in size, shape, or darkness. Absorbing light energy can cause changes in matter. A common example includes the color of paper or fabric fading as the matter absorbs light over time. Vibrations cause sounds. We can hear when sound waves travel through the air to our ears and cause our eardrums to vibrate. Sound can also travel through other forms of matter, such as liquids and solids.
This is the site of protein synthesis usually find attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum or freely on the cystosol,
When they are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum they appeared as back dots which makes the surface of ER to appear rough, hence the name ROUGH ER. Smooth ER, lacks Ribosomes, and therefore appears smooth,
Ribosomes are made up of PROTEIN AND RNA.
They are 25nm in diameter;when viewed under high magnification, where theymade up of two sub-units the small and large units.
The protein synthesize by the Ribosomes are passed into the sacs of Rough E.R for transportation,
Basically, a complete Ribosomes is refereed to as 70S for prokaryotic ribosomes and 80S for Eukaryotic Ribisomes.This refers to their sedimentation Co-efficient in Svedberg units,the Eukaryotes sediment faster than the Prokaroytes
Heart is made up of Cardiac muscle