Total political control
The main characteristic of the absolute monarchies was the existence of a king who had absolute political control. This meant that there were no laws, division of powers, or any other form of control over the decisions or actions of the monarch.
Military control
In addition to total political control, the monarch had control over his army. This armed wing was responsible for maintaining the order established by the king as well as the stability of the monarchy.
Hereditary online transfer
Within the absolute monarchy there are no democratic mechanisms that allow the election of any ruler or representative, therefore government is kept under the control of the same family throughout the centuries.
Statutory society
Depending on the state or social level within which a person was, their responsibilities, privileges or limitations were defined. Individuals born into the aristocracy or those who belonged to the clergy could enjoy privileges such as access to positions within the government. In the meantime, those born within the peasantry or urban peasantry would always be subject to the power of the king.
Divine right
The main reason that sustained absolute monarchies over the centuries was the belief that their right to rule was of divine origin.
The kings were considered as envoys and representatives of the divinity to exercise their will on the earth.
This implied that no person had the right to question their decisions because the monarch acted in the name of a god.
Influence of the clergy
Although the monarchy theoretically gives absolute control to the ruler, throughout history the kings have had a strong influence of the clergy.
The influence of the nobility
As part of the exercise of his rule, monarchs usually had the support of ministers and personal counselors (nobility) and on some occasions those councilors could have a strong influence on the monarchs and the decisions they made.
Officials of the monarchy
For the fulfillment of the law, the monarchy counted on a series of officials who were directly related to the town.
These people were busy collecting taxes and keeping the monarch up to date on important events.
Exaltation of the king in art and propaganda
Within the societies operating under the rule of absolute monarchies, the king's image was of great importance. As a way of maintaining the stability of the monarchy, monarchs were exalted through the dissemination of propagandist messages. Pictures and Sculptures.
Luxury and extravagance
The life of the absolutist monarchs was characterized by a splurge of luxury and splendor that sometimes contrasted with the poverty of the people.