he Protestant Union (German: Protestantische Union), also known as the Evangelical Union, Union of Auhausen, German Union or the Protestant Action Party, was a coalition of Protestant German states. It was formed on May 14, 1608 by Frederick IV, Elector Palatine in order to defend the rights, land and safety of each member. It included both Calvinist and Lutheran states, and dissolved in 1621.
<span>Before 1830 - The South defended slavery as a necessary evil. They argued that the emergence of cotton as the most important cash crop in the country made slaves necessary. Instead of defending slavery as a necessary evil, they began to defend slavery as a "positive good."</span>
Led by Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union wanted to punish Germany economically, forcing the country to pay war reparations and contribute its industrial technology to help postwar Soviet recovery
He want's to be more powerful.
Semejanzas y diferencias entre las civilizaciones mayas, aztecas e incas. 2 ... ¿Qué características de la organización política ... ¿Cuáles fueron las principales características ... El período de esplendor azteca terminó después que el de la civilización inca. ... e incas”. Reflexiona respecto de tu aprendizaje en este capítulo.
Tough hides, long eyelashes, and water-filled humps enabled camels to carry goods over inhospitable desert terrainwer: