Corollary announced the United States intention to take their place
Without the movement of goods, people, and ideas, cities falter, economies wane, and societies wither. As local economies and their associated land uses have become more specialized, mobility has grown ever more central to the sustainability of human activity. Economic specialization, which has fueled productivity growth and propelled the dispersion of interlinked activities worldwide, is premised upon various forms of mobility, including the migration of labor from low-wage to high-wage places, the daily travel of workers from their homes to workplaces, the movement of materials to worksites, and the distribution of finished products to markets. When mobility ceases, as in the case of a natural disaster, not only do workplaces fall idle, but also people cannot get emergency medical attention, families cannot obtain food, and social gatherings of all sorts are canceled or postponed.
Maritime history of Europe includes past events relating to the northwestern region of Eurasia in ... Roman galleys helped to build the Roman Empire. ... The volume of trade that the Roman merchant fleet carried was larger than any other ... and the galleon, where for the first time in history maritime navigation was possible.
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