no it does not tell you, sorry
I think go off is a phrase used hype someone and I think sheesh is an expression for astonishment though this is just a guess
Answer: A. “was eager to” “drew near”
As explained, something that is irresistible has an appeal that cannot be denied. When something is irresistible therefore, it tends to draw people towards it.
The people in this chapter were eager to do something with the men who stood at ease because they found the sight irresistible and so wanted to act on the feelings of attraction that they had. This was why they were drawn near to the scene.
Deceitful and cruel
According to President Roosevelt, the Japanese was selfishly taking advantage of their ability to be destructive by performing such a dangerous act as soon as they could. Therefore, they were labeled as deceitful and cruel.
(I know that this answer is right because I worked on it on common lit)
Absolute: 37.0902° N, 95.7129° W
Relative: Western Hemisphere, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west, also north of Gulf of Mexico.