dat is based on dea definitions
Solid Liquid Gas or Plasma , a define shape would have to be the solid
1. The study of all life or living matter.
2. The living organisms of a particular region.
3. The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism.
The Green plants are missing in the food chain
Producers: The green plants since they produce their own food are also termed as autotrophs. They absorb energy from the sun to make their food. In ocean the phytoplanktons are the producers. In oceans the zooplanktons eat the phytoplanktons. Again the smaller zooplanktons eaten by larger zooplanktons and this eaten by fish. The fish is eaten by a bird. The tertiary consumer.
Consumers: It includes all organism eat something to survive. They might be herbivores and carnivores
Decomposer: The microbes bacteria and fungi converts dead matter into carbon and nitrogen which backs into the atmosphere.
Um, can you please elaborate a little bit more.