Ideas are the key to creativity and succession, discoveries, of course discover, and take you to places you’ve never been.
I believe that it is am adjectival phrase
for the team is describing Cooper's spirit
Hilda 'H.D.' Doolittle, Ezra Pound, and Richard Aldington were the pioneers of modernist poetry, writing in rejection of the formalism of Victorian poetry and European society. World War I had a profound effect on the further development of the modernist movement. The poetry that followed World War I reflected the disillusionment of those who had experienced the tragedy and horror of modern combat. T.S. Eliot's 'The Wasteland' is an example of the disjointed and fragmented verse arising from this disillusionment.
I would choose A and B because you need and main idea about the product and you also need a major detail about the product. I am not sure I just says what I think it is important. Like if it help