Gasoline igniting doesnt change physically, wood rotting is just it getting old i guess, i would say d because its from water to vapenation. im really bad in school so im not sure but i decided to answer
It should be the tibialis anterior
I hope this helps!
If a solution process is exothermic, the energy required for dissolving the solute compare with the energy released is that, the energy requiredis less than the energy released. When we sayexothermic, heat is evolved. On the other hand,when heat is absorbed, this is called endothermic.
Adenina (30%), citosina (15%), guanina (15%) o timina (40%)
El 30% de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la adenina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales corresponde a la citosina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales toma la guanina y el 40% restante de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la timina. Entonces, al combinar todos estos porcentajes, obtenemos el 100 por ciento del volumen del ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN).