Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and a few other atmospheric gases trap heat energy and maintain earths temperature range
Abiotic features are not living. they may play a role in helping biotic creatures live, but them theirselves do not live.
The answer to your question is:
1 or more double bonds unsaturated
Usually solid at room temperature saturated
Molecules are tightly packed togheter saturated
Usually liquid at room temperature unsaturated
Most plant fats unsaturated
Most animal fats saturated
Less oxygen. Less life.
Plants make up most of our oxygen here on earth, because of the carbon cycle and photosynthesis. They take carbon dioxide, and turn it into oxygen. And not only that, but some animals live in trees to protect themselves from birds and other animals.
For chemical reactions where the free energy of the reactants is much greater than the free energy of the products (DGo' < 0), the reaction proceeds spontaneously and the net result is a large ratio of product to reactant (large Keq).