The chants can be sung by using six-note patterns called hexachords. Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes, an early form of musical notation from which the modern four-line and five-line staff developed. Good luck!!
Three benefits of the agriculture revolution that Jared Diamond lists in his argument are as follows:
- Agriculture Revolution promoted specialization in agriculture and also provide necessary time to other people who can learn other things.
- Agriculture can support economic development of the country, according to Diamond's argument.
- Diamond also raises the question on inequality between sex in agriculture, as women were thought to be meant for agriculture, which was wrong.
A speices usaully can only breed with the same species unless it is done in a lab with their DNA and sometimes that doesnt work
1. The revenue of gingerbread decreases as the years go on.
2. Gingerbread was close to reaching $25000 of revenue in 2007
3. Peanut butter had the least amount of revenue