para los pueblos indigenas, el idioma no solo es un marcador de identidad y pertenencia al grupo , sino tambien el vehiculo de sus valores eticos.
la situacion de las lenguas indigenas es un reflejo de la de sus hablantes.En muchas parted del mundo , estan al borde de la extincion.
espero que ayude
the vanishing point is the spot on the horizon line where the receding parallel lines vanish.
I think it’s the third one, “we will examine how a strike led to the eventual formation of a farm workers union”
Answer: OK, while I do not support LGBTQ+, I do not HATE or LOOK DOWN on this group and/or its members. Its simply because of religion. I have lots of friends and family who are LGBTQ+ and I still talk to most of them everyday and we still play video games all the time and other activities. So I would like to ask, what is the best desert?