plant leaves contain openings called stomata, which allow the diffusion of gas exchange
Migration is D, the seasonal movement of organisms between locations!
C) is correct
The United States has a smaller population than China, but has a higher per capita greenhouse gas emission, resulting in a larger carbon footprint on a national level.
Microtubules composed of tubulin protein.
The cytoskeleton is composed of three well defined filamentous structures: microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. Each of these filamentous structures is a polymer of proteinic subunits united by weak, not covalent connections.
Microtubules are long hollo cylindric tubes with no ramifications of a diametre near to 25 nanometers. They are constituted by two subunits of tubulin protein which polymerize to form microtubules. These filaments shape the cell and are involved in intracellular transport. Microtubules extend from an organizing center near the nucleus to the cellular surface.
the assembling of the protein molecules around it makes it appear rough.
i hope this is helping