Nucleotides are the subunits of DNA. The four nucleotides are adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. Each of the four bases has three components, a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar and a nitrogen-containing base.
That isn't even a question
It would affect the functionality of the other levels including the organism
The level of biological organization is a hierarchical step consisting of how a multicellular organism forms. According to this level of organization, CELLS are the simplest unit of life and the collection of cells with a similar function is termed TISSUE. Tissues form ORGANS, organs form ORGAN SYSTEMS and finally, a collection of all the systems in the body forms the ORGANISM.
Based on this, one would observe that each level is related to the next in such a way that one forms from the other. Hence, if one of the levels in the biological organization will not perform its function properly, the other levels will be affected. For example, if the kidney cells do not perform it's function, it would affect the functionality of the kidney tissues, kidney organ, the excretory system, and the organism at large.
In the case of liquid droplets, including water, surface tension is the factor, which is accountable for their shapes and configuration. Though can easily be malformed, the droplets of water seem to be pulled into a spherical shape due to the cohesive forces of the surface layer.
In the non-existence of other forces, involving gravity, the drops of almost all the liquids would be almost spherical.