Put the comma after sushi.
The comma separates two thoughts.
Two years ago that were a boy name loran, him and his friends went to a forest just to camp and to see the world and the animals that are there, loran fall asleep and his friends went somewhere, loran woke up and didn’t saw anyone, he didn’t know where to go, he was yelling their names, and they answered him back, they said that they left because they saw an scary animal, they get back to their tents and fall asleep again, after few hours of sleeping it was 3am. It was really scary they heard a lot if wolfs out of their tents, they couldn’t go anywhere, so they were just sitting there all quiet, when they didn’t hear any wolfs they ran back home.
Here is a structure on how to answer:
1. Think of two examples: Maybe you think that developing countries does not have as much art - which does contribute to the happiness of the people.
Second, maybe the living conditions.
2. Research to add credibility.