Reread the conclusion of the story. How does the author’s portrayal of the old man departing contribute to the meaning of the te
xt? A.
The ending shows how even sympathetic reactions are rooted in selfishness.
People have the ability to shape their future, if they’re willing to do what it takes.
Although some people believe they can control their fate, it will go away and leave them alone.
While people may believe they can outsmart death, it will always be one step ahead of them.
Reread the conclusion of the story. How does the author’s portrayal of the old man departing contribute to the meaning of the text?
A. The ending shows how even sympathetic reactions are rooted in selfishness.
The reasons behind this answer are two: The first one is that the author finds a breaking point of analysis to point out that sympathetic reactions are fundamental in self-centered objectives. That they are meant to make the executer feel better of himself or herself. That it is a selfish act because it is not made by thinking 100% on the other but by how they will benefit the executor.
He is stating that the matter is more deeper than bodies, more soulful and more what matters on the inside with our souls. "Gorvern your own bodies" referring to not an actual body and its organs but what is inside a body deeply soulfully.