<span> Años viejos is a New Year's Eve tradition in Ecuador. It Is the "burning of the old years".
u³ + 2u²x + x²u + xu² ´+ 2ux² + x³
(4-2)² = 2² = 4
(u+x)³ = (u+x) * (u+x)²
= (u+x) * {(u+x)(u+x)} = (u+x)*{u*u + u*x + x*u + x*x}
= (u+x)+{u²+2ux+x²} = u*u² + u*2ux + u*x² + x*u² + x*2ux + x*x²
= u³ + 2u²x + x²u + xu² ´+ 2ux² + x³
I know what you chasing, you can only get this feeling from a thug
You can only get this feeling from a thug
also why you need to know this lol