Personaje en la obra Personaje real
El cerdo Napoleón Iósif Stalin
El cerdo Snowball León Trotski
El cerdo Squealer Propaganda de la URSS: periódico Pravda
El caballo Bóxer Dos interpretaciones: Minero Alekséi Stajánov Trabajadores del campo y de las fábricas de la Unión Soviética
The Sung dynasty became more democratic than it was before as the Emperor had to pay more attention to the middle class and their demands rather than that of the higher class.
Many intelligent scholars, brilliant merchants, great artists, etc. emerged from the middle class.
The middle class became more dominant in cultural and political affairs.
The distribution of wealth and prosperity witnessed a balance as it began penetrating down to even the lowest strata of society.
Each encourages moral behavior, charity and respect for the universe.
While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man and Daoism is centered around a concept, the religions share similarities.
Answer: I think 50/51
He has wrote a lot of books
hope you get it right