In the forest, there was a tall tree. This tree is the home of the wild geese. One day, one of the geese, who is very wise saw a vine growing down the roots of the tree. He told his fellow goose about it. He had suggested that they should remove the vine while it's still young. He believed that when the vine grows bigger it might possibly make it easier for hunters to catch them. However, the other geese didn't listen to him and decided to ignore the problem. Every day, the vine grew bigger and a hunter saw it. The hunter devised a plan that would catch the wild geese living in the tree. So, he put a net on its branches when the geese were out hunting for food. When the geese return, they were not able to notice that they were caught in the trap. When they realized it, they felt remorse and sorry for not listening to the wild goose. So, the wild goose had an idea on how they can escape from the hunter. He told the geese that when the hunter arrived, all of them should pretend that they were dead. In that way, the hunter will throw them instead of eating or selling them and when the last geese would fall from the ground, they will all fly away. The next day, the hunter came and saw that the geese were dead. So, he threw them on the ground. Because of the idea of the wise goose, they were all able to escape from the hunter.
شكرا كلمة تقدير يمكن استخدامه بعد أن يفتح شخص ما الباب لك. لكنه غير رسمي ، لذلك عادة ما يتم استخدامه عند اصطحابه إلى الأصدقاء. ليس هناك الكثير من المتحدثين باللغة العربية هنا لذلك استخدمت ترجمة جوجل.