Ummmmmmmmmmmm.........sry can not help you there
It didn't collapse until 1453, when it was defeated by the Ottoman Turks
Aristotle was born in the little village of Stagira in 384 B.C. He was raised as an orphan after his parents died when he was still a child. Though little is known about Aristotle's early years, the occupation of his father, Nicomachus, did have a significant influence on his development. Aristotle entered Plato's Academy at the age of eighteen and quickly rose to the position of indisputable top pupil. He stayed there for almost twenty years. Despite his criticisms of Plato's beliefs, Aristotle was always careful to acknowledge his debt to his former master and stress the common ground that they shared. Aristotle left Athens after Plato's death in 347 B.C. and traveled for several years, participating in various intellectual groups in Assos and Lesbos. He was asked to tutor Philip's son, the future Alexander the Great, in 343 B.C. He worked with Alexander for three years, primarily teaching standard courses like rhetoric and poetry. Aristotle returned to Athens shortly after Philip's death in 336 B.C., where he built the Lyceum. It was here that he undertook his most important work, and many of his surviving writings were based on lectures prepared for the school. His greatest achievement is generally considered to be the syllogism, which helped to launch the field of logic. Aristotle died in 322 B.C., having contributed more to Western knowledge than any other individual ever had before or has had since.
This is as small as i could make it
The policy described is domestic policy as it takes place within U.S. borders. The answer can't be foreign policy as that would be policy applying outside the country. Neither can it be either of the other two because the question has nothing to do with the functions of trade or judiciary "law making" via the interpretation powers granted to the judicial branch.
Muhammad Ali Pasha is widely considered the father of modern Egypt because under his reign Egypt saw a great increase in its global influence and modernization of its agriculture, medicine, military and cotton industry.