dishes, trash
they're just messy and time consuming
which of what????like what is the question.I dont get it
Answer: 1. "It was idle, he knew, to get between a fool and his folly" means that it was useless and unimportant to make a fool understand something. 2. The fool is Hal. 3. His folly was his lack of good sense, trying to wake the dogs up. 4. John Thornton thought it was non-sense to intervene because regardless of the past warnings of the ice breaking down, he still wanted to wake the dogs up and continue moving.
Explanation: In the story, the team that is traveling towards their destination encounters difficulties to cross the river. John Thornton warns them that the ice is melting and that they might sink If they continue. Despite all the tragedies and losses the team has had in the trip, Hal ignores the warnings and tries to wake the dogs up. Thornton concludes that trying to convince a fool and his lack of non-sense is useless and unimportant since there is no way Hal will understand.
This is an awful lot of points. Try 20 next time.
DNA manipulation will be responsible for
- black leaves on plants which directly change sunlight to energy.
- termites will be encourage to eat rust rather than wood.
- trees will produce liquid fuel.
- All of these would have economic consequences that would benefit the farmers that used them.
O'Connor's word choice and diction in this excerpt from "A Good Man is Hard to Find," suggest that the grandmother is very concerned about the appearance
This excerpt gives a very detailed description of how much care the grandmother takes on her appearance, every detail is carefully taken care of and it mentions the visual difference between her and the mother of the children, she expresses that she considers that a lady should look immaculate in every occasion.