Rather than trying to categorize personality by grade, I find it more predictive to look at life stage. Sixth graders are on the cusp of being adolescents; some have achieved puberty, some have not, some are in the process.
Some 6th graders are the top grade in their elementary schools; some are grade six in a K-8 building, so neither lowest or highest; some are the youngest group in a 6–8 middle school; and occasionally, the are in a 5–8 middle school, so, again, neither lowest nor highest on the hierarchy.
Grade placement in the building sequence makes a difference; terminal year students tend to be cocky and lord it over the younger students, all the while worrying about what will happen next year. The youngest students in a level are just worried and nervous. It is the transition, rather than a specific grade, that often drives social behavior.
I would say much the same thing about ninth graders/freshmen—-but more importantly, I would encourage you to recognize that each kid is an individual and is driven through the growth process by a combination of nature and nurture.
pottery made of clay fired to a porous state which can be made impervious to liquids by the use of a glaze.
simple serch i just serched "what is earthenware" boom there it is i hope this helps
C, to create new and improved beauty.
You can eliminate A because most churches do not have gothic art.
You can eliminate D because its not A.
You are now left with B and C.
C would be the answer because the art is not so "Heavenly."
It's B, Text added with the Text Took can be changed with Inkcape's other tools.