if we summarize it so then we will get some main points
means for summarize just pick main points from it and join it for make a sentence so let's start
<u><em>,Great Britain had complete control over our trade with other countries. All items that we wished to trade had to first pass through Great Britain.for imposing taxing on us ,for depriving us for the benefit of trial by jury, for transporting us for pretended offences and for abolishing the free system of english in a neighboring province, establishing there in an Arbitary government and enlarging its boundaries rentend it at fit instrument for introducing the same absolute ryle into these colonies</em></u>
The Movable Type Printing Press
The Movable Type Printing Press was invented by the famous Johann Gutenberg and this went a long way to significantly influence and amplify the spread or dissemination of information during the Protestant Reformation.
The Movable Type Printing Press was an invention which allowed the Protestant Reformation to spread rapidly throughout Europe.
An intragroup conflict is a conflict that takes place between one sector or group. The group being the United States, so their was a conflict inside the United States which makes it intragroup.
Social Safety Net. The Social Safety Net of the United States is made up of various Welfare Programs to protect low-income Americans from poverty and hardship. The programs are meant to be a safety net to catch Americans if they fall on hard times. The goal is to get Americans of sound body and mind back on their feet.
The Native Americans were not counted as part of the population in the 1970 census in America. The population was enumerated to be 3,929,214. Although the Census was proved statistically factual, based on data collected, the records for several states (including: Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, and Virginia) were lost sometime between 1790 and 1830.