Alejandro estudia para el examen.
The correct answer is the second one.
Spanish verbs have suffixes for each of the pronouns, just like English does (only for the third person singular). So, this is how you conjugate the verb estudiar in Spanish:
1. yo estudio 1. nosotros estudiamos
2. tu estudias 2. vosotros <span>estudiáis
3. el/ella/Usted estudia 3. Ellos/ellas/Ustedes estudian</span>
Grandmother which mean abuela in Spanish.
you can use pronoun: ella
1. Mi equipo favorito ganó el partido.
2. Tú caminabas al centro comercial.
3. José preparó el almuerzo.
4. María y yo lavamos los platos.
5. ¿Encontraron ustedes los discos compactos?
6. Ustedes bucearon en el mar.
7. Yo trabajé mucho ayer.
8. Mis amigos y yo bailamos mucho en la fiesta.
9. Ellos hablaron por teléfono ayer.
10. Tomaron ustedes el sol en la playa?
In Spanish the past tense of verbs describes actions performed in the past tense, therefore, following the instructions we must transform the verbs in each sentence into past tense, this is achieved by identifying the person and the gender so that it is consistent with what is expressing itself at the moment of being conjugated.
On an economic basis, crops are classified into grains, spices, fibrous crops, fodder, fruits, medicinal plants, roots, sesame and pulses, stimulants sugary crops. On the basis of specific use crops are classified as intermediate crops, cash crops, soil protective crops, and green fertilizers.