Match the following:
a. mangrove 3. a small tropical tree that grows in wetlands near salt water
b. land degradation 2. reduced ability of the soil to support life
c. hectare 1. (ha) a unit of measure equal to roughly 2.5 acres or exactly 10,000 square meters
d. salinization 4. the development of higher than normal salt content in the soil
The overall climate in the United States of America (USA) is temperate, with notable exceptions. Alaska has an Arctic tundra climate, while Hawaii and South Florida have a tropical climate. The Great Plains are dry, flat and grassy, turning into arid desert in the far West.
I think the answer is C) Asia has a variety of natural resources, forests and rivers, use hydroelectric power, and import other things they need.
I searched "why do people live in asia" and some of the articles mention how there are many opportunities for jobs and some talk about how Asia has beautiful scenery.
Global warming might cause rising sea levels and severe drought. ... (Also discuss whether power should remain with individual countries or be placed in an all-European government.) Think about the physical and human geography of Europe.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement among the United States, Canada and Mexico