Correction, first it was villages than they joined together, also they expanded their land a lot. villages, to towns, citys, city states, than empires
I think it is C because kdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdnfmfmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmf
the pain associated with teeth cleaning
The five-year-old Claire's behavior is better classified with the Classical Conditioning theory, which is a form of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is linked with an unrelated unconditioned stimulus to produce a response that is conditioned response.
Since she was not afraid of the dentist on her first visit, because of the fact at first she wasn't aware of the pain associated with the teeth cleaning. But now, when she goes to the dentist, she becomes anxious and cries because of the pain associated with teeth cleaning. Hence, her fear was a learned behavior.
Civil society comprises organizations that are not associated with government including schools and universities, advocacy groups, professional associations, churches, and cultural institutions (business sometimes is covered by the term civil society and sometimes not).