Answered by Mimiwhatsup: The roses connotation is that is a symbol of passion and love.
Plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells don't. Also, Plant cells usually have at least one large vacuole and animal cells have smaller vacuoles.
I hope this helped!!
D. Good things happen to caring and loyal people.
I believe it's the only one that makes sense.
Answer: C. she worked as a women's suffrage worker
Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was an American poet, singer and civil rights activist. Angelou was also an actress, director and producer of television programs, movies and plays. In 1969, she wrote an autobiography - <em>I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. </em>However, she was not a women's suffrage worker, as women were already given the right to vote in 1920, eight years before Angelou was born.
It is called a noun clause
A clause that may be used as a subject complement is called a noun clause.