Answer: 56
Because an unfertilized egg has half the chromosomes of a fertilized egg. The fertilized egg then splits, and continues splitting until the lizard is born. Always remember, whenever a question talking about an unfertilized egg, it has half the chromosomes of a fertilized egg. One more side note, it doesn’t matter what body part you talk about. A skin cell will have the same number, and identical chromosomes compared to a heart cell. (So long as it’s the same organism, if it isn’t, but part of the same species, it will have the same number of chromosomes, but it may have a unique set of chromosomes). If you want me to go into detail, I can, just respond to this answer.
C. the crust and upper mantle
<h2>Cell Analogy</h2>
As we see that parents control everything in the house. Similarly,the nucleus controls everything in the cell.
A door is analogous to the cell membrane because it allows people come and go. Similarly,the cell membrane in a cell can allow certain things to enter and exit.
The cytoplasm fills the space in a cell. It is similar to air which is filled everywhere in the house.
- Nuclear membrane: Security guard
The nucleus in a cell is protected by nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane is analogous to secuity guard. As people in a house are protected by security guard, similarly nucleus is protected by nuclear membrane.
- Endoplasmic reticulum: Hall ways
Endoplasmic reticulum transport things to other places in the cell. It is similar to hallways which help us to reach different places in the house.
The golgi bodies modify,sort and package proteins.
It send them to other parts of the cell when needed.
It is similar to a Car which transports people and can store stuffs.
The mitochondria in a house is analogous to Stove as it breaks down nutrients and turns them into energy. Similarly, the Stove in our house, cooks foods and it is converted into energy when consumed.
The ribosomes are a cell structure that make protein. It is same as a kitchen in our house where people make food or proteins.
There Is a phase in mitosis called G0, which occurs before the other stages. jn this stage, cells grow in order to become big enough go divide, meaning cells take the time to grow in order to divide at the same sizs.
The sun
Atmospheric Gases
These are just a few of many, but all abiotic factors are not living. Hence A-Biotic
Biotic means living, so when you put the ''a'' prefix it means the opposite of living.