The concept of race began during the Renaissance.
The division of people according to their faith became problematic when in Spain after the conclusion of the Reconquista in 1492 the forced conversion of the numerous Jews to Christianity was prescribed and as a result many of the compulsory “converts” secretly continued to cultivate their previous religion. In this context, in addition to the purity of faith, the idea of a purity of blood was also significant; the term "race" was used to denote the origin of people, families or larger groups.
European colonialism (including the conquest of America and the transatlantic slave trade) has played an important role in the further establishment of the concept of race and the development of racial theories since the 15th and 16th centuries, thereby continuously replenishing new knowledge of previously unknown parts of the world, ethnic groups and customs Europe came. The knowledge of foreign “races” in those days was largely based on reports from conquerors and missionaries who were strongly racist. In the travel reports of that time, the motif of the “noble savage”, the religious interpretation based on biblical genesis, or the equation of foreign peoples with the lost tribes of Israel were also popular.
It would be the "Ashanti" people who represent the cultural group that lives in Ghana and is known for its colorful folktales and mythology, although other civilizations in the region share this trait as well.
Missions and indigenous villages are commonly investigated contexts for indigenous responses to Spanish colonialism in the American Southwest. In early colonial New Mexico, colonists’ households were also a venue for interaction and exchange of information between Pueblos and Spanish. Using the concept of hybridity, I explore seventeenth-century Spanish ranches in northern New Mexico for the interactions between Spanish colonists and Pueblo wives, servants, slaves, and laborers. The architecture, foodways, and artifacts show an interplay between Pueblo and Spanish ways of making do suggesting that Pueblo peoples contributed in substantial ways to the nature of these households.
It is the United States’ policy of asserting its full
authority over the American continent in 1823. It further states that any attempt
at colonization by European countries on lands in North and South America will
be viewed as an act of aggression by the U.S. government and will be a cause
for intervention.
<em>In matriarchal societies women hold the power position, social privilege and control of property</em>. The Eastern woodland Indians lived east of the plains Indians. like other Indians they also used to depend on the natural resources. Because they lived in forests , they came to be called as Eastern Indians. All their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, tools and weapons were from forests. Their villages were near lakes or streams. The Cherokee, Mound Builders and Iroquois were important Woodland tribes, they used to live in longhouses and wigwams. In all of these eastern woodland societies the women held prestigious positions.