Keeping the information in short term memory
Cal just took the information in short term memory. Short term memory provides very limited time to keep information in memory. In a long memory, people can keep information longer. There are some strategies to transfer information from short memory to long memory such as repetition, recalling, taking action and writing. In this situation, Cal only gets informed once and he didn't take any action to transfer information to long memory by taking actions like writing.
The tragedy of the commons.
Andrew taking two cupcakes instead of one results in one family member losing their cupcake. This is an example of <em>the tragedy of the commons</em>. This term is used in social science to describe the behavior of an individual who overuses a limited shared resource in his benefit. This is done to obtain an individual short-term gain that provokes a long-term loss for the group. This is a behavior that shows an individual caring for his self-interest and not caring for the common good.
A Famous Artist By The Name Of ( Shakespeare )
He Also Wrote One Of The Holy Bibles. I hope This Helps.
There are several factors for establishing a civilization which are:
Big population centers: These help people survive with the help of each other, like farmers can grow and sell in these areas etc.
Monumental Architecture or Art: This will be identified as their legacy
Record Keeping: This can be a language or any other recording system to help record the history and traditions.
System of administering areas: Help run the place smoothly.
Labor division: Various people are skilled at various jobs, to do a certain job a skilled laborer is required.
Social Class System: It can be based on wealth as well as the type of work performed.
In order to become a civilization a society needs to bring all these attributes in and work towards a common goal of achieving them.
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