Call the police it is a crime to be under the influence/intoxicated in public also the civilian may be too disoriented to make his way home and could harm himself on his way there driving intoxicated is also illegal and you as a witness could have prevented him from leaving in the state he is in
The ability of young infants to make fine discriminations between sounds is particularly important in the development of their ability to understand <u>"Language."</u>
At 6 months, the monolingual newborn children could segregate between phonetic sounds, regardless of whether they were expressed in the dialect they were accustomed to hearing or in another dialect not talked in their homes. By 10 months to a year, notwithstanding, monolingual infants were never again recognizing sounds in the second dialect, just in the dialect they typically heard.
The analysts proposed this speaks to a procedure of "neural commitment," in which the baby mind wires itself to comprehend one dialect and its sounds.
Knowing and following your family's rules is a responsibility.
Answer: A. to find a water route to India
In 1497, da Gama was appointed to command a ship with the goal of discovering a sailing route to India. Several decades earlier, Henry the Navigator had patronized several successful voyages in North and West Africa. These voyages were Portugal's first steps at becoming a major maritime and colonial power.
Answer The fifty-five delegates who met in Philadelphia between May 25 and September 17, 1787, would not only reject the Articles of Confederation altogether, but they would produce the first written constitution for any nation in the history of the world.