The most expensive natural element is francium, but it decays so quickly it can't be collected to be sold.
Development is largely under the control of genes. Mature cell types of the body, like neurons and liver cells, express different sets of genes, which give them their unique properties and functions.
Hope it helps!
If not, I'm sorry I couldn't help :(
25% chance for purple flowers 75% chance for white flowers.
Explanation: The big letter is the dominant gene and that means that it will be what ever the dominant gene says. (unless both are recessive like with the "ww" purple flowers)
I am a white bread I am but inside my fellow human and chewed in the mouth and breaks down my carbohydrates and then I become a boules then I am swallowed through the esophagus which pushes me to the stomach which then I digest into chyme and then the stomach secrets it’s juices to break down the protein then I’m pushed to the small intestine dejunume where liver secretes bile to gallbladder then gallbladder secretes it and stores it. Also the pancreas secretes also enzymes to break it down. Then intestine justices break me down then I am sucked up of my nutrients and put into cells and then my remains go to large intestine where water and minerals are absorbed and then I’m sent to the rectum then anus to land in a toilet water to take on a new journey. :) hope this helps so how
Density independent means that the limiting factors are not dependent on the number of individuals in the population. For example, an earthquake will kill individuals in a population no matter if the population is large or small.
A density dependent limiting factor means that the effect is dependent on how many individuals there is in a population. For example, a disease will have greater effect in a large population since it would be spread to more individuals.