Answer: First, I get out of bed and turn my alarms off. Then I use the restroom and brush my teeth. After, I brush my hair and put on school clothes. Lastly, I put on my shoes and jacket, and walk to school.
In order to make this your own, change out the things you don't do. If you need an actual essay, just offer more details about everything. For example: do you eat breakfast at home or on the go? Do you have an alarm clock or does someone wake you up?
Explanation: Good luck :D
Well, everyone travels with a purpose so the moral dilemma that the girl would be facing rather depends on her destination, in my opinion.
So it can be either Happy or sad I.e Any function in her family or any sick relatives.
It can also be this way that she might be visiting her ancestral place so she's having a high time reliving her old days or thinking of a new experience
Or Another prompt would be
She would be listening to a song which connects to her memories where the main concentration will be on her past rather than the destination. Here her dilemma is how to overcome her past and not live in those memories
Symbolism is when something represents a bigger idea. Symbolism is when symbols represent themes.
Figurative Language
Symbolism is a form of figurative language. Figurative language is used mainly by literature to express a complex idea by using figurative meanings. When an author uses symbolism they do not intend for their words to be taken literally.
Other forms of figurative language include
- Idioms
- Metaphors
- Similes
- Hyperboles
In all of these examples, including symbolism, an author uses nonliteral definitions to convey more complex thought processes that can be connected to the real world. Figurative language, especially symbolism, can help an author establish a theme and universal connection.
Definition of Symbolism
Symbolism is used to connect objects and people in stories to real-life ideas. There are famous examples of symbolism that can be seen in multiple different stories. For example, swans are usually seen as a symbol of peace, and roses are symbols of love. In these examples, authors have used the nonliteral definitions of swans and roses to connect the objects to ideas that affect everyone's life.
Famous Uses of Symbolism
<u>How to Kill a Mockingbird</u> is a famous book that is filled with symbolism. One of the main symbols in the book is the Mockingbird. The Mockingbird represents innocence.
"Romeo and Juliet" also uses symbolism. In the play, Queen Mab represents the dreams and desires of the characters in the story.