noun phrases- the little boy.
verb phrases, - She was walking quickly to the mall.
modifying phrases.-The terms drug overdoses and drug abuse (Rewording a sentence)
I cant do this anymore im tired of the repetitive cycle I'm living , from ego death all the way to being emotionally unavailable I'm just tired and nobody asks why :-) i hope i was able to help you , take care and have a good day.
Your answer for this question would be the second option because in a poem worldly possessions is where you control and mess up the language. Hope I helped (:
More people use it as an adverb but can also be a adjective
Answer: Let’s say someone is giving you detailed directions “hey can you help me find where Max’s diner is?” -johns “yeah, you make a left on 76th go straight on the third traffic light make a right on simmons ave and I’ll be in the left side” -Alex.
(sorry if i'm wrong)