wait did u post the pictures i cant see them, but ill give feedback for like no points lolz
" What is the body's adaptation to adverse environmental conditions?
Help me please!"
in hot climates, the body will try to cool down by sweating so it doesn't overheat, as in cold climates, the body will try to heat it's self up by slowing blood flow
в жарком климате тело будет пытаться остыть от потоотделения, чтобы он не перегревался, как в холодном климате, тело будет пытаться нагревать его вверх, замедляя кровоток
#26 What is Dies irae
a Latin hymn formerly sung in a Mass for the dead.
It won 10, such an amazing movie. Every single one of the Lord of the Rings movies was a masterpiece. But Return of the King tops it off.
Production name, Director name, and Cameraman name