Listen to Mercedes and Gabriel, two students in Chicago, talk about their winter break. Then indicate whether the following conc
lusions are lógico or ilógico, based on what you heard. December 15 11:59 PM EST 1 attempt remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list Grammar explanation 174-177 Questions 1. Gabriel va a la playa. lógico ilógico
2. Gabriel está listo para salir. lógico ilógico
3. Va a hacer frío en Chicago. lógico ilógico
4. Gabriel viaja a España. lógico ilógico
5. Mercedes va a viajar también. lógico ilógico
In this exercise you have to listen to an audio about Mercedes and Gabriel. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the audio but I'll explain you how to answer this exercise anyway.
Once you listen to the audio, check the statements. If they are false, you have to say the statements are illogical. Then, if the statements are true, you have to say the statements are logical.
For example:
<em>- Gabriel va a la playa. (Gabriel goes to the beach)</em>
-This statement is logical because is true that Gabriel goes to the beach.
-This statement is illogical because is false that Gabriel goes to the beach.