The authors theme;what message is he trying to get across to the reader? The authors style;what elements of literature does he use to make the story understanding and interesting. Elements are: Imagery, Simile, Metaphor, Irony, Figurative language, Rome Sceme, Point of View etc..
<span> the lady said, “I would love to dance with you.”</span> is the correct sentence. Quotations of any length must always be set off with a comma before the quote.
When the world was young, they say, a giant lived in the cliffs above Canon de Chelly.
The food he lived on was human beings, and he caught the clouds and squeezed them
<span>into his mouth for drink. The people called him Swallower of clouds, and the bravest </span>
<span>of the men tried to destroy him. How ever, anyone who went out to kill the giant </span>
was never seen again. Before long, because he was swallowing all the clouds, the rain
no longer came from the west. Because he was shallowing all the clouds, the mist
<span>above the mountains to the east disappeared. Because he was swallowing all the </span>
<span>clouds, the springs to the south dried up. The crops dried up and died. The people </span>
<span>were suffering and some began to die.</span>