i dont know much but ill try
The main issue with the use of technology is that minors in grade school will be obsessed with texting and face-timing that they rarely focus on actual work and their future careers. They wouldn't even sleep cause their up all night on their technological device!
I would address that problem by making sure the device is shut off at bed time and limit it to 45 mins a day.
it shows the African art is always abstract
We can see above, a description of how African art represents the human body in a non-literal way, but uses elements that represent the body and allow those who observe this work of art to interpret the meaning of the elements used and to be able to perceive the representation of the body.
This is a way of presenting abstract art. This is because this type of art aims to present a non-literal representation, but with elements that relate to the represented object.
Clause Definition:
A part of a sentence that contains a verb.
( Basically it has to do with grammar.)