Muscles are the tissue structures that move bones. They are connected to bones and need proteins to grow and stay healthy.
Sour milk contains less lactose than the fresh milk, as the sour milk gets converted to lactic acid and bacteria which enhances the digestion process. One important reason is that proteins take more time in getting digest than other nutrients. We know that fresh milk has a large amount of lactose.
The lactic acid bacteria have many benefits. They improve lactose digestion in the stomach. The lactase activity of the bacteria performs the task of digesting lactose in the product once it reaches the intestine thus fuelling the process of digestion in case of sour milk.
In fresh milk, the casein protein in contact with milk forms curdles which are difficult to digest.
Centrosomes, also called microtubule organizing systems, release the microtubules that arrange the chromosomes along the metaphase plate.
Near the Golgi, there are 9,0 microtubule multiplets that produce microtubules. In order to sustain a dynamic movement process and for the centralized organization of chromosomes along the meiosis,plate, these microtubules bind to the kinetochores of chromosomes utilizing dyneins and kinesins.
During metaphase, chromosomes are organized over the metaphase plate with the help of microtubules released from complexes on various cell surfaces. Microtubules are continuously destroyed and rebuilt in a dynamic process until chromosomes are centrally organized.
learn more about Mitosis
If denaturation occurs (extreme temperature change or pH changes), the enzyme will not be reusable! The structure of the enzymes are not changed. As a result of this, enzymes will be used again and again to bind onto another substrate molecule and catalyze the reaction once again.
The air at the equator is warmer and less dense and the air at the polls is cooler and more dense
air at the equator is constantly warm, has denser air, and barely cools and the polar regions are cooler therefore that means it is dense