Answer: 443
Port 443 will need to be enabled for secure transactions to go through because it is the default port for HTTPS which is the transfer protocol for secure communication.
This way your credit card transactions will be encrypted to ensure protection from those who would seek to steal your data and your money.
I guess the correct answer is information processing
Infοrmatiοn prοcеssing is thе changе (prοcеssing) οf infοrmatiοn in any mannеr dеtеctablе by an οbsеrvеr. As such, it is a prοcеss that dеscribеs еvеrything that happеns (changеs) in thе univеrsе, frοm thе falling οf a rοck (a changе in pοsitiοn) tο thе printing οf a tеxt filе frοm a digital cοmputеr systеm.
The scene of a human sitting at a computer terminal, responding to stimuli flashed on the computer screen, would most likely be described as depicting an information processing experiment.
A. 2
The food function in the C source code uses two for loop statements to fill and array of size 100 with 100 values ranging from 1 to 100 and the second to get the total sum to the values in the array. With this, two program paths are created.
Giga usually means 10^9
We're trying to work giba, which is 2^30 into the vocabulary to differentiate them because of the confusion and difference that they create.
Growth Strategy
A growth strategy is a plan of action that allows you to achieve a higher level of market share than you currently have. Such as the case in the question, PC's shifted so sales and service of Laptops and PCs because there is a greater market share for them there than where they currently operate from.