<u>The Establishment Clause prevents the U.S. from creating a state or national religion</u>, from favoring one religion over another, or entangling the government with religion. The Free Exercise Clause gives all Americans the right to practice their religion freely, without interference or persecution by the government.
Due Process Law and Legal Definition. The due process guarantees under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution Clause provide that the government shall not take a person's life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
'Stand your ground' means ''I have to stand put and use self-defence when attacked - I am not allowed to run away'
Federal District Court
The first case would likely start in the Federal District Court and could be appealed to the State Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court. As seen in <em>Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. </em>the school district which suspended a girl for vulgar speech off school grounds started their case in the federal court of Middle District of Pennsylvania and eventually appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.
Edit: <em>Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. </em>did not appeal to the State Supreme Court likely because the First Amendment is a federal law and not state law.
He made the statement because he believes that people need an executive who can perform and carry out the necessary actions within the government. They need an active person who is willing to participate at all times. These 'ingredients' or characteristics of an executive are the qualities Hamilton believes will make a good president to be actively involved in the growth and development of the country. In addition, Hamilton believes the most vital quality of an executive to ensure good governance is energy or drive. This is the main reason his statement was centered around the word 'energy'.
He made the statement because he believes that people need an executive who can perform and carry out the necessary actions within the government. They need an active person who is willing to participate at all times. These 'ingredients' or characteristics of an executive are the qualities Hamilton believes will make a good president to be actively involved in the growth and development of the country. In addition, Hamilton believes the most vital quality of an executive to ensure good governance is energy or drive. This is the main reason his statement was centered around the word 'energy'.