Someone with Impostor syndrome would be worried about their future as they already believe they don't deserve being where they are, so they could think that they would fail. And they wouldn't know what to do with that knowledge, causing them to panic. They would also be worried about what people may think of them soon enough.
It was as I approached the last few bays that I heard what at first I took to be the soft closing of the door at the far end of the room, but which went on, even and regular, like the breathing of someone asleep, a sighing that seemed to come out of the air above my head, as though the whole, great room were somehow a living thing,exhaling around me.I glanced up at the gallery.Someone was there,I was certain of it. The wood creaked. A footfall. I was as far from my way of escaping thing, exhaling around me. I glanced up at the gallery. Someone was there, I was certain as I could have been, trapped alone in this empty place with – whom? What?
‘With nothing,’ I said, aloud and boldly, scornfully – but then started at the sound of my own voice. ‘Nothing.’ And went to the spiral staircase nearest to me, and began to climb, my steps echoing harshly in the stillness of the room.
The write uses figures of speech mixed together to create a fear ful atmosphere.
C, the inability to focus on difficult problems
In the excerpt, instead of dealing with things that are sad, Hazel chooses to forget them. In the excerpt there is no evidence that her choice to forget sad things is logical as it may well be a logical choice to deal with the situation. This interaction does not have many words, but we also don't know from the excerpt if it lacks any quality. Quality and quantity are not the same thing. There is not evidence of government interference.