Depending on the letters selected, I will use A for normal and a for albinism. the genotype is Aa
A segment of a DNA molecule (a sequence of bases) that codes for a particular protein and determines the traits (phenotype) of the individual. A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism
The α and β subunits of the insulin receptor form two bands in the SDS-PAGE gel. Moreover, in the Western blot analysis, there is just one band corresponding to the β subunit, since this subunit contains phosphorylated tyrosines, while α subunit doesn't have.
Kingdom is the largest division that a group of organisms can belong to, for example “animal” or “plant” is a kingdom. In order: kingdom, class, genus, species.
Example of:
Class- Mammals would be a class of the kingdom “animal”
Genus- Homo would be a genus of “mammal”
Species- Homo Sapiens