Armada means a fleet of warships. This is also a Spanish naval invasion force sent against England by Philip of Spain in the year 1588. Protestantism is form of Christianity which originated with the movement against what its followers to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church which is called the reformation.
The sentence is The Spanish sent an armada, a fleet of ships, to fight England and perhaps strike a blow at the spread of Protestantism.
Option 2: Spiracles.
Cartilaginous fish (also called Chrondricytes) have a skeleton of cartilage, instead of bone. There are two subclasses - Elasmobranchii and Holocephali. Sharks, rays, skates and sawfish are elasmobranchs while chimeras are holocephali.
Here’s a list of features of cartilaginous fish in comparison to bony fish:
1. Cartilage skeleton: unlike bony fish that have a skeleton made of bones (just like other terrestrial vertebrates), the skeleton of cartilaginous fish is made of cartilage.
2. Spiracles: this is a modified gill of sorts, it aids with respiration and is found slightly behind each eye. It leads directly to the mouth. Most cartilaginous fish possess this organ (exceptions are present, such as hammerhead sharks). Bony fish do not possess spiracles.
3. Ampullae of Lorenzini: absent in bony fish, these organs are electroreceptors that form a network of pores filled with a form of jelly that can transmit electrical signals. It allows the cartilaginous fish to sense electric fields in the water (such as the movements of a fish struggling), magnetic fields and temperature. Some bony fish such as sturgeon and lungfish may possess these organs, however research is still ongoing.
4. Claspers: male cartilaginous fish possess an organ known as claspers at their pelvic fin. This is used during reproduction to transfer the sperm into the female for fertilisation. As such, internal fertilisation occurs in cartilagonous fish. Bony fish do not possess this organ, and external fertilisation occurs.
There are many other characteristics that differentiate cartilaginous fish from bony fish. They're an extremely fascinating group of animals that unfortunately, is decreasing in numbers. Very little is known about many of these animals, so it is important that we do our best to conserve the sharks, rays, sawfish and chimeras before we lose them forever.
DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA) to protein.
Central Dogma is a term that refers to the two step process through which information flows from the sequence of DNA into a sequence of RNA (the process of transcription) and finally takes the form of proteins (the process of translation)
Francis Crick was the first scientist who proposed the term of "Central Dogma".
Significance of Central Dogma:
- This is the process that ensures that genetic information of all living organisms is preserved and transmitted without any alteration or changes into their offspring.
- It is a process that intricately explains the logical mechanism through which DNA stored in our chromosomes express themselves into functional forms called proteins.
- This was the process which let us know the important roles of molecules like ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA and messenger RNA in the process of protein formation.
- The process has immense importance in understanding the latest advances in RNA technology that can further help in investigation and diagnosis as well as treatment of many critical diseases.
Hope it helps!
This represents the anaerobic part of cellular respiration, this specifically would represent the Krebs cycle. I highly doubt that they want you to be that specific, so Cellular respiration
They are the light reactions and calvin cycle. The products from light reactions are ATP and NADPH