Discrimination is when you treat someone in a disrespectful manner based on their age, sex, race, etc.
Age discrimination is when you disrespect someone based on their age.
For example, a cashier follows a teenager around the store because they believe they are going to steal something since they're young and naive. Or, not letting an elder in to a club because they're too old to dance.
It was very hard to follow but I printed it and then underlined and highlighted important information
vivid language that appeals to the sense of sight
Spending $100,000 to clone a pet is not worth it. If you valued and loved your pet you should not try and replace them.It would be like cloning a family member.Sure cloning your pet may seem like you never lost it, but it would probably only clone it's physical appearance and not what made it so unique to you.For example the qualities that made you happy like it's personality.
“They both believed that there was too much focus on structure, so they veered away from it and used conversational language. They differed in that Pound believed in using language precisely and minimally, while Whitman tended towardlonger, wordier verse. ... Sample response: Pound wanted to simplify modern poetry.” Taken from Course Hero.com