The narrator uses negative feelings when he looks at the House of Usher. He feels scared and that there is an anti-sublime qualities to the house. The tarn, the mist, the fissure running down the house, no traversal he had seen on his journey shows how away from reality this house is.
Nteresting information about the Globe Theatre Tiring House during the life and times of William Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London, England
Globe Theatre Tiring HouseThe stage wall structure contained at least three doors which lead to a leading to small structure, back stage, called the ' Tiring House '. The stage wall was covered by curtains allowing entrances from left, right and center. The actors used this area to change their attire - hence the name 'Tiring House'. The tiring house contained the dressing rooms with access to the the prop room with connecting passage and stairways. The 'Tiring House' was a hive of activity with actors changing their attire and collecting their props. Although many of the plays were performed by actors wearing Elizabethan clothes the Globe Theatre Costumes belonged to the Theatre and were both costly and sumptuous.
Globe Theatre Tiring House Prop ManThe Globe Theatre company used a 'prop man' who would be stationed in the 'Tiring House'. The Prop man would have a list of all the Globe Theatre Props which to be used in a play, what scene they were required for and which actor/ character would need them. The list was glued to a board which hung on one of the Tiring House doors.
Globe Theatre - The Lord's Rooms and the Actor's BalconyImmediately above the curtained doors of the 'Tiring House' were a row of galleries which housed the Lord's Rooms. The centre gallery, or balcony, might also be used for plays requiring such a structure - the Balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet immediately springs to mind.
Globe Theatre - The Musicians GalleryDifferent effects were gradually added to the Globe Theatre including music to accompany the performances. One of the balconies above the stage therefore housed the musicians. Composers were specially commissioned to write music and songs to accompany the works of playwrights such as William Shakespeare. The most famous Globe Theatre composer was Robert Johnson ( 1582-1633 ). Robert Johnson composed 'Full fathom five' and 'Where the Bee Sucks' which were written for the first performance of The Tempest by William Shakespeare. The musicians playing in the Musician's Balcony were usually hidden from view behind closed curtains.
Globe Theatre - The HutAbove these galleries was a small house-like structure called the 'hut' complete with a roof. The 'hut' was used as a covered storage space for the Globe acting troupe. The 'Hut' could be accessed directly from the connecting passage and stairways from the 'Tiring House'.
Sorry but to answer this you would need to send us a link. Super sorry I can’t help.
Gordimer's political convictions are apparent in this narrative in the way she uses pejorative languages to express her viewpoint. “Art is the negative knowledge of the actual world,” for example, according to “Reconciliation Under Duress.” Art, on the other hand, investigates the unknown, and, as Adorno puts it, "art does not become knowledge with reference to ordinary immediate actuality." Gordimer avoids using the phrase "immediate actuality" in her writings. As Ettin notes, we never obtain a complete picture of the storyline and must instead orient ourselves by thinking about what hasn't been communicated. Gordimer illustrates the enormous attraction of this German, Jewish theorist by drawing on Adorno's views, further separating herself from the genre of black authors and redefining the goal of a political book.
Hope this helps!
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